Where heart meets the soul...

“Art has always been something that is close to my heART” – Navjit

Navjit Gaurav is a qualified visual artist and architect from India. He is one of the active artists among the artists’ community in the Tett Tuesdays at the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning, Kingston, Canada. He has exhibited and sold many artworks that are in private collections of art lovers in India and Canada. He works in different mediums and loves to express emotions through art and narratives. 


“Art has played important roles in educating society, promoting cultural appreciation, breaking cultural, social, and economical barriers” – Navjit

Art creates opportunities for people to express themselves freely and communicate using diverse mediums and colours. 

The Summer Memories

Through the Dark Times

The Summer Memories

The Timeless Beauty

The Companions

It was one of those days of the monsoon season when it was raining like cats and dogs. Saundarya and Saanjh both used to meet at the dock to sit and look at the water and relish the changing colour of the beautiful sky. It was 5 pm, and he took his black hat and left home with his cat to be at the dock strolling under the umbrella. The cat was enjoying the raindrop falling from the edge of the umbrella’s iron rim. They walked past the hospital and reached the dock; the bench there was soaked in water droplets. He tried to wipe off the water droplets using a handkerchief, but he could not do that as the wind blew the tiny piece of cloth.

The cat jumped and ran behind the handkerchief as an obedient and loyal companion to bring it back to her master, her friend. He looked back at her and sat on the bench holding the umbrella. The splash on the lakeshore wiped his leg; he closed his eyes to feel the soothing weather and enjoy the moment in time. He was drowned in his daydreams, thinking of the other day when she was there with him; they sat on the same bench and had a meaningful conversation about something so comforting. 

Soon after, he felt the warmth of her breath, only to open his eyes and find she was sitting next to him. She leaned and kept her head on his shoulder, closed her eyes, and just smiled. He had his whole world under the umbrella. She had brought two balloons for him; one was his favorite blue colour and the other in a heart shape. She was free for her choice, and he had her voice singing the old Bollywood song- “ye raatein, ye mausam, nadi ka kinara, ye chanchal hawa…” (These nights, the weather, riverbank, and this fickle air). Her dog and his cat joined them from a little distance sitting next to each other under the lamppost, enjoying the moment. They knew they had the last few days to relish life and write the story by collecting these precious moments. It appeared as a moment frozen in time, and the artist passing by captured their story.

The Smile

Colours of Life

The Mighty Beast

The King of POP


“A sketch a day, keeps the bad mood away” – Navjit

Sketches are my best companion. I love sketching and use the sketch as a medium to document the buildings, stories, moments, humans, and animals around me. I believe sketches are visual poetry that conveys diverse meanings to the viewer.  

I prefer carrying a small sketchbook and using a ball pen or ink pen to sketch while applying various patterns of lines to create shades and shadows. 


“Art has power to connect souls and empower communities” – Navjit

I use art to support communities and empower them to be productive. Art has allowed me to connect meaningfully with children and learn from their creative ideas and artwork. Art offers voices to individuals who find it difficult to communicate.